Homehunt Energy

Green Energy through solar Power
Homehunt-international Ltd is a subsidiary of Easy-Peasy Ltd, owners of the Homehunt App in Nigeria. While the Homehunt App deals in real estate and provides an online market for buyers and sellers within the real estate sector, Homehunt- international Ltd are the sole distributors of the new Entelechy Solar powered generators in Nigeria.
Homehunt Energy Ltd Presents the New Entelechy Solar powered generators and flood lights in Nigeria. Homehunt Energy serves as the sole distributor of these Solar powered generators and flood lights in Nigeria
Homehunt Energy Ltd Presents the New Entelechy Solar powered generators and flood lights in Nigeria. Homehunt Energy serves as the sole distributor of these Solar powered generators and flood lights in Nigeria

Quality Services

Solar Panel Installation

We specialize in the professional installation of high-quality solar panels for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

Solar Consultation and Design

Our team of solar experts will conduct a thorough evaluation of your property to design a custom solar energy system that best suits your energy requirements and budget.

Solar Panel Maintenance

To ensure your solar panels operate at their peak efficiency, we offer regular maintenance services.

Battery Storage Solutions

We provide cutting-edge battery storage solutions that allow you to store excess solar energy for later use. With energy storage, you can optimize self-consumption and have backup power during grid outages.

Solar Financing and Incentives

Our team will assist you in exploring various financing options and available incentives, making the transition
to solar energy both environmentally friendly and financially rewarding.

Eco-Friendly Solar Products

In addition to solar panels, we offer a selection of eco-friendly solar-powered products, such as solar water heaters, solar-powered lighting solutions, and solar-powered chargers.


Your Path to a Greener, Solar-Powered World.

Discover a sustainable future with our solar solutions. Join us in creating a greener, solar-powered world for generations to come.

We Follow Best Practices

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Transform Communities Across the Globe

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Our Office


1B Omorinre Johnson Close, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos Nigeria.

+234 808 550 1732
+234 708 799 9959

Whar Our Clients Say


Engineering Manager

Alice Howard

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Interior Designer

Nathan Marshall

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Ema Romero

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Ann Smith

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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